Tradition, Strength, Conservation and Populist
(photo: Earlie)
Save Steel Lake Skatepark from the wrecking balls forever and support the athletes and the city's athletic facilities.
Mark Greene's proposed environmental clean-up of Federal-Way would have 6 areas in which each area would have 20 councilors assigned by the Council, if adopted, for a total of 120 councilors. Area councilors would decide whether or not to subdivide areas and themselves. All councilors will be volunteers but get a $100-a-month stipend (plus bonuses if they do particularly well in keeping their particular areas clean & environmentally friendly).
The party of the commoners: Mark Greene, started this party in 2006, which then was known as the "Party of Commons" and is still a secondary name, a party that prioritizes American self-reliance, non-interventionism for the most part, traditionalism, and semi-isolationism combined with populist economics.
The Initiative 2020 committee will reach out across the length & breadth of Washington, from the Canadian-U.S. border to the Oregon-Washington border, and the Pacific Ocean to the Idaho-Washington border, to get the 400,000 signatures necessary to put it on the ballot. Any voting citizen in Washington can sign the petition.
Note: "FWCI 24-003" is separate from I-2020. Two different petition efforts; FWCI 24-003 needs at least 9000 signatures and I-2020 needs 400K.
Earlie B. White: President and Head Recruiter of the Generation Jumpstart Club.
Finish the wall, deport lawbreakers, secure the borders. An Immigration Moratorium with few exceptions and sprucing up the all-but-forgotten Northern Border, too.
Virtually No Foreign Aid
Significantly hollow-out foreign aid by at least two-thirds. Use the savings to help balance the budget.
Reduce National Debt, Rationally
Get rid of useless departments and agencies, e.g., the Department of Education, cut spending by 3% across the board except Social Security, and thereafter 1.5% annually until the budget is balanced.
Biden's Unconstitutional Acts of War and Saber-rattling
Stay out of Biden's proxy wars. U.S. should not be involved in wars and conflicts in general where there are no clear and grave U.S. interests. No administration should be able to perform acts of war against any country without a formal Declaration of War by Congress.
Our friends in the 9th District, some of you already did your Sarah Smith experiment. It didn't work in 2018 and it's not going to work in 2024, even with a different "Sarah". The new "Sarah", Melissa Chaudhry, is an Open Borders sympathizer just like the old Sarah. As for Adam Smith, one of Congress's leading provocateurs for Biden's proxy wars, also nuclear brinkmanship, you'll need Republicans to defeat Smith but Republicans are not going to vote for the most extreme radical if we only had the choice between two radicals (but a case could be made for either one, Chaudhry or Smith, as the most extreme radical) and more than likely we're not going to vote for either one. However, we have Mark, our Republican candidate, who can find common ground with some of the more sensible Democrats in the 9th District.
Common Ground With the Other Parties' Anti-Interventionists
Mark would vote against any and all crazy wars, and hold any president, no matter the name or the party, to the Constitution that says Congress must have the ultimate say in such matters, and the will of the people must be done.
Mark agrees with the 1st President, Washington, stay out of foreign entanglements.
Pro-Life and General Social Policy
Traditional social policies. Pro-life. Help fund pregnancy counseling centers. National abortion ban although with critical physical health exceptions.
Revamp schools: Allow for greater school choice, including charter schools, abolish the Department of Education as well as some federal mandates on schools.
America First
General anti-interventionist. Stay out of wars and proxy wars. Rethink alliances (doesn't necessarily mean get out of them).
My Republican Party
The Republican Party has stood for freedom and liberty since its inception in Wisconsin in the late 19th Century, notably as an abolitionist (anti-slavery) party. Our party, throughout the generations, has stood up for strong, moral values, strengthening the Constitution to acknowledge our God-given values and rights, and establishing free market economic theories that allowed the United States to become the dominant economic power of the world.
Friends of Mark Greene for Congress and WDFW IV
Washington, United States
Copyright © 2022 - 2024 All-American Platform Mark Greene and WDFW IV - All Rights Reserved.
The campaign is over for Mark this year and we won't be supporting either of the two candidates in the General Election, the two leftist radicals. Maybe someone new this year if they join "Commons" and run as a write-in. We're looking towards '26. No official donation processor for '26 yet, but you can help out in the long run by donating to Mark's personal GoFundMe, in which funds will be strictly funneled to party/affiliates or future campaign funds, and the latter, specifically, is accountable to government oversight in some way. Thank you much if you supported Mark this year.